Not an overly clichéd Pokémon creepypasta

My name is Bob and I am a collage student. When I got to my room I wanted to play some pokémon Silver so I instead of simply getting an emulator on my pc I went to look for a creepy old dude who was selling video games. Luckily I found one and he sold me a copy of the game and a gameboy for only 1 dollar. I ran home and started playing. When I booted up the game I noticed that there was a skeleton with hyper realistic blood in the title screen. I started a new game but I noticed that I already had pokémons in my party. Those pokémon were just unknown and they spelled kill. I was really scared and I screamed like a person that does not know that hacked games exist. I continued playing but a wild skeleton appeared. The wild skeleton had 666 hp and was level 69. I tried beating it but the skeleton killed all of my pokémon. KILLED! Now I had no pokémon left so the skeleton took it's mask off and it turned out to be my roommate. I ran to his room but he was dead now. I looked at his wall and there was a triangle made out of his blood. It all makes sense now, the illuminati want me dead so they are slowly killing everybody around me so I will kill myself.
But what if the leader of the illuminati is writing this creepypasta to scare everybody to death. What if you are a part of the illuminati but you dont know it. I am going to kill myself now, so tell everybody that illuminati is just as bad as drugs.